Manuscript Guidelines
Manuscripts should be written in American English (English - United States) using Microsoft Word or compatible software. Layout should be on A4-sized paper. Pages should be numbered sequentially with the title page as Page 1. Font used is Times New Roman size 12, double-spaced, left-justified. Use tabs rather than the spacebar for indentations in both text and tables. Authors are advised to seek English editing assistance as much as possible before submission to expedite the review process.
Listed below are some of the types of manuscripts that the Journal currently accepts. The Journal recommends that authors identify the type of their submitted manuscript.
- Original Research: Original research articles include experimental studies, qualitative and quantitative observational studies. These articles report the relevance of the findings in a larger (public health) perspective.
- Perspective: Perspectives are articles discussing insights and commentaries regarding tropical medicine issues and public health events. The scope of the discussion must be clearly defined.
- Field Report: A field report is a short article detailing a field investigation. This includes what is and how it was being investigated, and the relevant lessons learned from the investigation. More comprehensive reports can be submitted as Original Research.
- Surveillance Report (Implementation/Evaluation): This type of article describes a summary and interpretation of surveillance data over a given period of time. A description of the surveillance system and the limitations of the data collected must be included.
- Case Report/Series: This is an unstructured article describing an unusual case or series of cases related to tropical medicine and public health. Subheadings may be used to increase the readability of the article.
- Policy Review: This is a scientific review and analysis of current public health policy(ies). Reviewed policies can be current or historical, or a combination of both.
- Letter to the Editor: This article is a letter commenting on a previously published article OR a letter commenting on the theme of the current Journal issue. Letters do not undergo peer review.
Recommended guidelines for all submitted manuscripts are as follows:
- Abstract word count: between 150-250 words
- Main text word limit (excluding text in figures, tables and references): < 3500 words
The manuscript should contain the following sections in this particular sequence.
- Title page comprising the title of the article, authors with affiliations, short running title and the correspondence’s information (name, affiliation, mailing address, Tel and Fax numbers and E-mail address)
- Abstract and keywords
- MATERIALS AND METHODS including the Ethical consideration, if applicable
- DISCUSSION ending with a paragraph of concluding statements (Note: we do not have a CONCLUSION section)
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS including funding information
Kindly note that we do not publish supplementary Tables or Figures.
Please download A COMPLETE GUIDELINE ON HOW TO WRITE CORRECTLY FOR SEATROPH to help you prepare your manuscript to meet SEATROPH’s requirements.