General Information
General Information
About the Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health (“Journal”) is published by the SEAMEO Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network (SEAMEO TROPMED Network). One annual volume comprises of six bi-monthly issues (January, March, May, July, September, and November).
Statements and opinions expressed in the articles, contributions and communications herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Editor(s) or the Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. The Editors and the Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health assume no responsibility for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of product liability or negligence or which otherwise arise from use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas cited or discussed in any article, contribution or communication in this Journal.
No part of this Journal may be reproduced in any form by photostat, microfilm or any other means.
ISSN (Print): 0125-1562
ISSN (Electronic) : 2697-5718
History of the Journal
Our Raison d’être
“We are aware that journals devoted to the medical sciences are making their appearance in ever increasing numbers these days and the question arises as to whether there is justification for yet another such periodical. Despite the plethora of publications medical men in Southeast Asia have been working in the past in isolation having little or no contact with one another. This is due partly to the past political barriers, differences in language (publications appearing in English, French, Dutch, Thai, Indonesian or Vietnamese) and difficulties of communication. This is a tragedy since the incidence and prevalence of diseases in these countries are similar and the problems of their treatment, prevention, control or eradication must be closely related. In spite of this we have failed to take advantage of our close proximity to one another and profit from each other's experiences in the past.
There has never been a greater need than today for closer communication between the doctors working in Tropical Medicine and Public Health in the Southeast Asian region. The last year has resulted in many of these countries becoming independent and free of the restraining influence of their colonial masters. They have begun to feel the need for closer regional cooperation in the political, economic, social and cultural fields. The need for closer liaison between these countries is evident from a number of organizations that have come into being for this very purpose in recent years. One such body is the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) which has adopted a number of programmes for regional cooperation. One such programme is undertaken by the Central Coordinating Board for Tropical Medicine and Public Health (CCB-TMPH) delegated to training, research and coordination in these fields.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health will be the official organ of the CCB-TMPH and will be published quarterly in English which is rapidly becoming the lingua franca of the educated people of the region. It is proposed to publish research papers original articles, reviews, case reports and abstracts of papers of interest to workers in this region. We also hope to publish abstracts of Laboratory Meetings organized by affiliated Societies interested in Parasitology and Tropical Medicine in the different countries of the region and it is hoped to carry news of CCB-TMPH activities and of its National Centres in the different countries.
This journal is to be made available to members of affiliated Societies at subsidized rates so that it will find its way into the hands of as many workers as possible in the region.
When the idea of establishing such a periodical was mooted by me, Professor Chamlong Harinasuta, the Secretary-General of CCB-TMPH, received it with great enthusiasm and promptly invited me to undertake the Editorship assuring me he would himself shoulder the managerial responsibilities. It was with. considerable trepidation and hesitation that I accepted the honour and on the condition that I had the assistance as Associate Editors of an eminent clinician like Professor Tranakchit Harinasuta and a public health expert like Dr. W. K. Ng. The Consultants and National Representatives of the CCB-TMPH have assumed Advisory responsibilities and have nominated suitable candidates to serve on the Editorial Board. We are fortunate also in having the services of Dr. Denise Reynolds as Secretary who will assist with seeing the journal through the printers.
But no number of officials, however competent and enthusiastic, can make an undertaking such as this a success without the whole-hearted cooperation and assistance of the people whom it is meant to serve. I take this opportunity therefore of soliciting the help not only of the medical and paramedical personnel living in this region but also all those who have an interest in this area and would like to see the people become more and more healthy and prosperous. I invite original and review papers on tropical medicine and public health relating to the Southeast Asian region and translations (with the permission of the Editors) of articles on similar topics which have appeared recently in other than English.
It gives me great pleasure to include a brief Foreword written by Professor Brian G. Maegraith, C.M.G. of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. It was largely through his initiative that a Faculty of Tropical Medicine was established in Bangkok ten years ago. When the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization set up a Tropical Medicine Project in 1966 for this area, he was a natural choice as one of the Consultants who conceived of the idea of a Medicine Centres in each of the countries of the Southeast Asian region. When Professor Chamlong and I consulted him on the desirability of establishing such a journal, he was very enthusiastic and has been most helpful with his suggestions and ideas. It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge our indebtedness to him.”
A A Sandosham, LMS, PhD, MD (Hon.), AM, FLS, FRES, FZS, FRMS
Editor-in-Chief, Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Dean of Faculty, Institute for Medical Research
3rd March 1970
Copyright Notice
The articles in this publication are published by the SEAMEO Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network and contain contributions by individual authors.
No part of this Journal may be reproduced in any form by photostat, microfilm or any other means.
ISSN: 0125-1562
e-ISSN: 2697-5718
Journal Indexing
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuters information services, beginning with Vol 40 (1) 2009: Science Citation Index (SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, and Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine, in addition to the existing inclusion in Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, and CAB International. It has received the International Journal Award by Elsevier Publication group in collaboration with the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) and Thailand Research Fund (TRF) for 2011.
The Journal, being active since 1971 to present, appears in the List of Scopus Indexed Journals (updated January 2024).
All articles are primariry indexed in Web of Science (by Clarivate) and subsequently in Scopus, and Google Scholar.
Journal achievement (1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024)
Submission received |
199 manuscripts |
Desk reject (out of scope/poor quality) |
62 (31%) |
Retracted by authors |
19 (10%) |
Proceeded to the technical review process |
95 (48%) |
Rejected/Withdrawn after review |
16 (8%) |
Days to accept |
28-164 days |
Total published |
127 articles |